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Two people arrested in Kicukiro District over electricity theft

In regular electricity anti-theft inspections conducted by Rwanda Energy Group (REG) in partnership with Rwanda Investigation Bureau and Rwanda National Police, two people namely Hagenimana Janvier and Tuyishime FranÇoise were arrested in Kicukiro District and are detained at Kicukiro Police station. They are accused of criminals’ acts related to electricity theft. 

Hagenimana was caught on Wednesday 06th of March 2019 selling REG meters illegally and connecting households to the grid illegally, acts which he agrees himself.

The suspects were revealed to the media on 07th March, 2019. Hagenimana agrees that he was doing unlawful businesses and asks forgiveness. Hagenimana was a REG staff but was dismissed in 2013 from REG and since then he continued to impersonate as REG staff to connect households to the grid. Tuyishime who was connected by Hagenimana said that she didn’t know that Hagenimana is not a REG staff. Tuyishime is accused of bypassing the meter for an estimated period of a year since 2018; and REG is still gathering the data as other investigation process is underway to calculate the loss caused. 

Mbabazi Modeste; RIB Spokesperson while addressing the media said that these suspects will be brought to books of accounts for their crimes committed.

Mbabazi reiterated that Hagenimana is willing to provide information and to reveal other people he was working with in those unlawful acts.

Nkubito Stanley, Head of Energy efficiency and Losses reduction at EUCL/REG condemned the act and called upon citizens to distance themselves from stealing electricity because it hinders the development of the country.

“REG in partnership with security organs had taken measures to curb electricity theft across the country because the issue affects not only the company but also the country in general and affects the national development goals” disclosed Stanley Nkubito.

Since December, 2018 REG is conducting regular similar inspections to detect and leverage electricity theft to ensure that the suspects are caught and brought to justice.

Statistics show that Commercial electricity losses are still high with a percentage of around 6.5 of the electricity generated in the country and out of which a big percentage emanates from electricity theft. 

Findings from last year revealed that electricity stolen was evaluated at around 1.9 billion Frw.

Nkubito reminded the public to be cautious about electricity theft since tough measures have been put in place, adding that there are penalties and fines. 

Theft of electricity is the criminal practice of stealing electrical power. It is a crime and is punishable by fines and/or incarceration. 

Theft of electricity is punishable by the law N°52/2018 of 13/08/2018 modifying Law Nº21/2011 of 23/06/2011 governing electricity in Rwanda as modified to date.

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